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Yearly Security Training Fire Drills

Workplace safety is the top priority event in every work calendar. But fire evacuation drill is often neglected by many. Inadequate implementation of fire evacuation drills can result to panic, chaos, and miscommunication. Due to lack of proper fire drill execution, people do not have sufficient knowledge about the point of evacuation, the safety equipment available, and how to properly use them in the event of fire.

Therefore, fire drills are the best indicator that an emergency evacuation will go smoothly and successfully.  Regular drills help refresh individual knowledge on safety evacuation to avoid unnecessary incidents or fatality caused by fire, which are especially important to our company because the raw material MMA is flammable.

We hold fire drills at least once a year, mainly emphasis on explaining the fire knowledge, how important work safety is, and how to use the fire extinguishers and hydrants, etc.

Fire Practice

18th, Jan. 2021. Staff are informed of the upcoming fire drill beforehand to ensure maximum attendance and to gather at the pointed place, both office and workshop personnel.

Record the time it takes for the building to be evacuated and for everyone to be congregated at the fire assembly points. 

Fire Drill

Explain how to use extinguishers

Practice makes perfect, some staff are practicing it after training.

Keep records of all fire drills and the people involved in them as part of the fire safety regime.

Post time: Jan-28-2021
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